como os mares podem sobrevoar em um sonho
'as if the seas could overfloat in a dream'
Project done at a junior reasearch program (Programa de Iniciação Científica, PIBIC) at Universidade de Brasília, oriented by professor Ana Mansur Oliveira.
Based on poetic senteces of the book O filho de Mil Homens, or 'The son of a thousand men'.The research proposes to investigate how typography can serve as a suport of sensations troughout the creation of visual compositions. The theoretical concepts are based on the thoughts of Deleuze & Guattari.

The usage of acrylic paint and typography creates the atmosfere on the piece. The background conveys an interpretation of what someone would see while looking at the sky during a dream whereby the seas overfloats: sensations of water waves, living creatures and hidden treasures.
This dreamy ambience corroborates with the typography composition. An Art Noveau inspired font was chosen, organic shapes that adds up elegance, another caractheristic is the long stature of letters that tipify the powerfulness of the ocean. The sentence is designed with different font sizes, so that it mimics the rythm of the sea.
After the research was completed, a full article based on the theme was published and presented at a CIDI design congress in Belo Horizonte. You can access the article and presentation here.